Military Home Savings
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 12, 2018 11:58:50 AM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in retirement, MCAI, housing industry, mortgage credit availability, disaster recovery, 203(k) loan, FICO Scores, closing costs, common real estate fears, home renovations, home builder confidence, freddie mac, federal reserve, home value, student loan debt, homebuying with student loan debt, ind, homebuying tricks, mortgage mistakes, awards, home building, mortgage underwriting, mortgage after divorce, home appraisal, housing affordability, mortgage information, title insurance, VA loans, Active Military and Veterans
Single Women Lead the Way in Real Estate Investments
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 5, 2018 11:00:00 AM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in Eustis Family of Companies, mortgage savings, lender lingo, stock market, Announcements, MCAI, obstacles to homeownership, housing industry, homebuilder sentiment, mortgage credit availability, closing costs, dodd-frank act, overcoming real estate fears, property taxes, home renovations, home builder confidence, federal reserve, home value, pending home sale, ind, awards, mortgage market, rental property, mortgage after divorce, mortgage information
Out Of State Investing
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 16, 2018 12:00:00 PM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in Eustis Family of Companies, mortgage savings, lender lingo, stock market, Announcements, co-signing a mortgage, interest rates, MCAI, obstacles to homeownership, housing industry, homebuilder sentiment, mortgage credit availability, closing costs, dodd-frank act, overcoming real estate fears, property taxes, home renovations, home builder confidence, federal reserve, home value, pending home sale, ind, awards, mortgage market, rental property, mortgage after divorce, mortgage information
Design Tips for Kids' Rooms
[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 13, 2018 11:50:00 AM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in Eustis Family of Companies, mortgage savings, lender lingo, stock market, MCAI, obstacles to homeownership, housing industry, homebuilder sentiment, mortgage credit availability, closing costs, dodd-frank act, overcoming real estate fears, property taxes, home renovations, home builder confidence, federal reserve, home value, pending home sale, mortgage mistakes, fha 203k loans, transitioning into homeownership, title insurance, VA loans, Active Military and Veterans
The Millennial Homebuyer
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 6, 2018 9:08:00 AM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in pay off your mortgage, buying a foreclosed home, real estate investing, louisiana floods, Airbnb, mortgage scam, home inspection, Eustis Family of Companies, mortgage savings, re-apply for a mortgage, stock market, mortgage calculator, relationship status, mortgage terms, interest rates, retirement, mortgage credibility, MCAI, first-time homebuyers, mortgage credit, millennial homebuyers, closing costs, home financing, common real estate fears, property taxes, mortgage tax deductions, fannie mae, home value, homebuying with student loan debt, homebuying tricks, natural disasters, mortgage market, rental property, transitioning into homeownership, home appraisal, mortgage information, VA loans
Communication is key to capturing the millennial homebuyer. Millennials are not like your buyers from before. Millennials know what they want, and they know how to get it. With a wide network, it is likely they are associated with a real estate agent somehow. A referral isn't enough for millennials. They will do their research to make sure who they are working with is someone they'd like to be associated with. This calls for agents and lenders to be on top of their marketing game and responsive. Don't let lack of communication and dragging of the home buying process let you lose out on this buyer. Capturing a millennial can up your business drastically because of their loyalty to people and products they like and trust, and their network. A millennial will refer you in a heartbeat if you make a memorable impression.
Thinking Of Moving? Do It During Summer!
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 8, 2018 9:30:00 AM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in stock market, MCAI, single women homebuyers, obstacles to homeownership, housing industry, homebuilder sentiment, first-time homebuyers, mortgage credit availability, closing costs, dodd-frank act, overcoming real estate fears, property taxes, home renovations, home builder confidence, federal reserve, home value, pending home sale, ind, awards, mortgage market, rental property, mortgage after divorce, mortgage information
Nearly 40 million Americans re-locate every year and the highest percentage of them do it during the summer. Why is this?
Purchasing a Home With Your Animal Companions In Mind
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 5, 2018 11:30:00 AM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in housing options, louisiana floods, getting mortgage approved, today's interest rates, Eustis Family of Companies, mortgage stress, mortgage savings, stock market, community development block grant, relationship status, interest rates, mortgage credibility, MCAI, homebuilder sentiment, disaster recovery, closing costs, common real estate fears, inflation, fannie mae, federal reserve, student loan debt, ind, mortgage mistakes, fha 203k loans, rental property, mortgage after divorce, home appraisal, housing affordability, mortgage information, title insurance, VA loans, Active Military and Veterans
Nobody likes to be forgotten, especially during the home buying process. Considering features in a home for an animal is parallel to considering features for children. It's important during the search process to be prepared in knowing what everyone in your family is going to need to feel comfortable after the big move; including your animals that you're bringing along with you.
Avoid Wire Fraud During Closing
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 17, 2018 7:30:00 PM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in MCAI, mortgage credit availability, disaster recovery, millennial homebuyers, dodd-frank act, home financing, common real estate fears, property taxes, mortgage tax deductions, home renovations, freddie mac, real estate scam, flood insurance, student loan debt, ind, homebuying tricks, awards, fha 203k loans, mortgage underwriting, rental property, mortgage after divorce, transitioning into homeownership, home appraisal, housing affordability, mortgage information, title insurance, VA loans, Active Military and Veterans
The real estate business has been struggling with individuals referred to as Fraudsters or Money Mules for a while now. They will rob your entire life savings, in a matter of minutes by hacking into a finance business employee's email accounts and sending out wiring instructions for services to consumers. After the money is transferred, it is then moved to another accounts that is difficult to trace.
What Does The Future Have In Store For Eustis?
[fa icon="calendar'] May 14, 2018 8:30:00 PM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in today's interest rates, Eustis Family of Companies, lender lingo, mortgage calculator tricks, mortgage calculator, Announcements, job change, mortgage terms, interest rates, retirement, MCAI, single women homebuyers, housing industry, first-time homebuyers, mortgage credit availability, disaster recovery, 203(k) loan, FICO Scores, closing costs, common real estate fears, inflation, home builder confidence, fannie mae, federal reserve, home value, homebuying with student loan debt, pending home sale, natural disasters, mortgage mistakes, home building, fha 203k loans, mortgage after divorce, housing affordability, mortgage information, VA loans
Because we can! Over here at Eustis, we just finished up with our annual Sales Rally last week in NOLA where all of our family companies were under one roof! This is a great time for us, because we not only got to see our friends from our other cities, but we were able to strategize and plan for our future.
Millennials Take Over The Housing Market
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 19, 2018 12:00:00 PM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in credit cards, investment, mortgage pre-approval, 3% down mortgage, first time home sellers, real estate investing, online tools, non-farm payroll, housing options, louisiana floods, Airbnb, mortgage scam, homeowners insurance, mortgage rates, home inspection, mortgage options, mortgage stress, mortgage savings, re-apply for a mortgage, home prices, community development block grant, mortgage calculator tricks, relationship status, mortgage terms, retirement, MCAI, obstacles to homeownership, homebuilder sentiment, millennial homebuyers, dodd-frank act, home financing, common real estate fears, property taxes, inflation, home builder confidence, real estate scam, flood insurance, student loan debt, ind, homebuying tricks, awards, mortgage market, mortgage underwriting, rental property, home appraisal, title insurance, VA loans, Active Military and Veterans
Millennials are working hard in their early careers right now and most likely saving up by rooming with friends or family. They are becoming aware that renting on their own is looking more and more less likely of a good idea as rent prices rise.