
Thinking Of Moving? Do It During Summer!

[fa icon="calendar"] Jul 8, 2018 9:30:00 AM / by Eustis Mortgage

Eustis Mortgage

Nearly 40 million Americans re-locate every year and the highest percentage of them do it during the summer. Why is this?  

The Weather


Ever heard of spring cleaning? Leading up to and during the summer months it is the perfect time to clean out all the unnecessary accessories lying around the house through either a garage sale or donation. Your odds of having a successful garage sale are way better in the summer when the weather is nice and sunny, instead of people thinking more about how warm the car will feel when they get back in.

The winter months make moving extremely more difficult and hazardous. The cold and rainy weather doesn't seem to make anything pleasant, except curling up in a ball with a fire going. This is why moving during the summer is in such high demand. The summer time will allow for a much smoother moving process, so by the time winter rolls around, you will get to enjoy the perks of your home rather than having your hands freeze off while carrying heavy boxes while it's  20-degrees outside, and worrying about your belongings getting damaged from the weather.




What better time to move than when the kids are out of school (and they can become a helping hand in moving)? Or did they just graduate and are moving out!? This prevents disrupting their learning schedule and daily routines with the chaos of moving. Whether you stay in the same school district or not, they will have time to get used to navigating around your new home and community to find place they can be comfortable at. If you are not staying in the same school district, be sure to do your research on the schools around the area you're looking to move to.

If your older children are moving out, this is a great opportunity to explore foreign neighborhoods you have stayed away from to keep them in the same school district.


To learn more about the home buying process, contact one of our specialists today!

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Eustis Mortgage

Written by Eustis Mortgage

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