
Top 4 house plans for empty nesters

Nov 13, 2019 10:17:09 AM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in 203(k) loan, home financing, common real estate fears, overcoming real estate fears, inflation, home renovations, home builder confidence, freddie mac, real estate scam, home value, flood insurance, homebuying with student loan debt, pending home sale, homebuying tricks, natural disasters, awards, mortgage market, fha 203k loans, mortgage underwriting, mortgage after divorce, transitioning into homeownership, housing affordability, mortgage information, VA loans


Your kids are finally out of the house—So now what? what’s your next plan? You no longer have to rush around to football games or doing multiple loads of laundry a day. It’s time to think about yourself and where you want to live in this next phase of your life.

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Application Process

Nov 6, 2019 12:22:00 PM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in 203(k) loan, FICO Scores, common real estate fears, inflation, home builder confidence, fannie mae, federal reserve, home value, homebuying with student loan debt, pending home sale, natural disasters, mortgage mistakes, home building, fha 203k loans, mortgage after divorce, transitioning into homeownership, mortgage information, title insurance, prepaids, Loan Officer, conventional loan

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Will a low credit score stop me from being qualified?

Oct 31, 2019 12:38:41 PM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in retirement, MCAI, single women homebuyers, housing industry, first-time homebuyers, mortgage credit availability, disaster recovery, 203(k) loan, FICO Scores, closing costs, common real estate fears, inflation, home builder confidence, fannie mae, federal reserve, home value, homebuying with student loan debt, pending home sale, natural disasters, mortgage mistakes, home building, fha 203k loans, mortgage after divorce, transitioning into homeownership, mortgage information, title insurance, prepaids, Loan Officer, conventional loan



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7 Reasons to Love Being an Empty Nester

Oct 25, 2019 1:21:40 PM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in MCAI, mortgage credit availability, disaster recovery, 203(k) loan, FICO Scores, closing costs, common real estate fears, inflation, home builder confidence, fannie mae, federal reserve, home value, homebuying with student loan debt, pending home sale, natural disasters, mortgage mistakes, home building, fha 203k loans, mortgage after divorce, transitioning into homeownership, mortgage information, title insurance, prepaids, Loan Officer, conventional loan



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Is a QM or Non-QM Mortgage the Best Option For Me?

Oct 9, 2019 8:00:00 AM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in retirement, MCAI, housing industry, mortgage credit availability, disaster recovery, 203(k) loan, FICO Scores, closing costs, common real estate fears, inflation, home builder confidence, fannie mae, federal reserve, home value, homebuying with student loan debt, pending home sale, natural disasters, mortgage mistakes, home building, fha 203k loans, mortgage after divorce, transitioning into homeownership, mortgage information, title insurance, prepaids, Loan Officer, conventional loan



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The Ultimate Document Checklist

Oct 3, 2019 4:10:00 PM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in home prices, mortgage calculator tricks, mortgage calculator, mortgage terms, mortgage credibility, holiday season, single women homebuyers, disaster recovery, millennial homebuyers, FICO Scores, common real estate fears, inflation, mortgage tax deductions, freddie mac, real estate scam, student loan debt, homebuying with student loan debt, natural disasters, mortgage mistakes, fha 203k loans, mortgage underwriting, home appraisal, VA loans, Active Military and Veterans, prepaids, Recruiting, Job Hunting, Loan Officer, Merger



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A Homegrown Company with Hometown Service

Sep 12, 2019 3:35:01 PM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in retirement, MCAI, single women homebuyers, housing industry, first-time homebuyers, mortgage credit availability, disaster recovery, 203(k) loan, FICO Scores, closing costs, common real estate fears, inflation, home builder confidence, fannie mae, federal reserve, home value, homebuying with student loan debt, pending home sale, natural disasters, mortgage mistakes, home building, fha 203k loans, mortgage after divorce, transitioning into homeownership, mortgage information, title insurance, prepaids, Loan Officer, conventional loan


Your client’s goals and plans for their future are important to us. Their goals are our goals! Whether its buying, refinancing, renovating or building homewe want to helpAt Eustis Mortgage, we offer the resources, loan programs, skill set and experience to help achieve objectives and with more than 60 years in the industry, we do just that.  

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Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Before You Retire?

Sep 9, 2019 8:00:00 AM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in home prices, retirement, holiday season, single women homebuyers, obstacles to homeownership, mortgage credit availability, mortgage credit, closing costs, dodd-frank act, common real estate fears, overcoming real estate fears, inflation, mortgage tax deductions, fannie mae, freddie mac, home value, flood insurance, pending home sale, ind, mortgage mistakes, awards, fha 203k loans, mortgage underwriting, transitioning into homeownership, home appraisal, title insurance, VA loans, Loan Officer



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10 Must-Haves in Your First Home

Sep 2, 2019 8:00:00 AM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in lender lingo, home prices, stock market, mortgage calculator, Announcements, mortgage terms, mortgage credibility, MCAI, obstacles to homeownership, disaster recovery, closing costs, common real estate fears, overcoming real estate fears, mortgage tax deductions, home renovations, real estate scam, federal reserve, homebuying with student loan debt, pending home sale, mortgage mistakes, awards, mortgage underwriting, rental property, housing affordability, mortgage information, prepaids

1 Comment

Congratulations on becoming a new homeowner! You've bought your dream home but now what? It's time to make your house a home. You will want to create an environment for yourself that is both rewarding and inviting.

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Staging Your Home to Sell

Aug 5, 2019 8:00:00 AM / by Eustis Mortgage posted in MCAI, disaster recovery, closing costs, common real estate fears, overcoming real estate fears, mortgage tax deductions, home renovations, real estate scam, federal reserve, homebuying with student loan debt, pending home sale, mortgage mistakes, awards, mortgage underwriting, rental property, housing affordability, mortgage information, prepaids


Staging is so important when it comes to selling a home. A visually unappealing home can cost you a buyer. A proper stage emphasizes your property’s strengths and allows the potential buyer to see it as its maximum potential.

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