
Take Advantage of VA Loan's Major Benefits

[fa icon="calendar"] May 21, 2018 8:30:00 PM / by Eustis Mortgage

Eustis Mortgage


 At the Eustis Family of Companies we consider it a privilege to of loans to our veterans that have served protecting our freedoms.

VA Loans have a multitude of uses such as:

  1. Purchasing or building a home
  2. Refinancing your home without the burden of re-qualifying
  3. Repairing and improving your current loan

There are a few major benefits within this loan that aren't offered to anyone else and should be taken advantage of to help veterans build their credit for the future.


1. Most Veterans DO Qualify and Get Approved

You have earned your VA Loan Eligibility so USE IT!  The first step is reaching out to your loan officer and getting a COE form completed.  This certificate of eligibility allows us to know what VA Benefits you have and how best to use them.


No Down Payment-2

2. Little or No Downpayment

This is by far the best factor of a VA Loan and only veterans taking advantage of this loan get to benefit from this. Up to 90% of veterans who have used this loan haven't had to pay a penny on a down payment or have Private Mortgage Insurance which is usually around $100 a month. This is an amazing offer to use because it gives buyers with tight budgets more flexibility.


Lower Closing Cost

3. Lower Closing Costs

Closing costs are impossible to escape, but with this loan, buyers can ask the seller to pay for all loan-related closing costs and other factors such as pre-paid taxes, insurance, collections and judgements.


To learn more about how a VA Loan can benefit you, reach out to one of our mortgage specialists today.

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Eustis Mortgage

Written by Eustis Mortgage

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