
The Best Home Improvements To Make During The Summer

[fa icon="calendar"] May 23, 2017 1:02:21 PM / by Eustis Mortgage

Eustis Mortgage


One of the most common questions we hear when people plan a home remodel is “when is the best time of year to make home improvements?” Of course, a great time to begin home renovations is when you have the time and the money to invest in the project. If you’ve got the financials covered and are simply wondering which home improvements to make in the upcoming months, then we’ve got the answer. Here are the top five home improvements to make during the summer. 

  1. Gutter repairs: Summer is a great time to inspect and repair any leaky or rusty gutters. After a year of wind, snow, ice and rain (depending on your location), it’s important to check for the signs of a necessary gutter replacement or repair. You should look for traces of water splashing out of drains during a rainstorm, strange leaks throughout the house, and standing water.
  2. Kitchen remodels: Although kitchen remodels can be made year-round, summer is the best time to schedule the renovations. This is most likely the time when you’ll be booking family vacations or couple getaways, so avoid the unpleasantries of living with renovations and schedule the remodel when you’re leaving town.
  3. Deck or Porch additions and repairs: Summer is the best time to enjoy your porch or deck, but it’s important to first check for damages. After a snow or rainstorm, wood decks may not be in optimal condition. If you’d like to add a deck or patio, then the summer months are perfect for construction, as the majority of these projects require a good amount of digging to lay the foundation. With the summer heat, the soil will be a bit softer to begin the home addition process.
  4. New siding installations: Updating your home’s siding can significantly reduce your home’s energy bill. If you’re also thinking of selling your home in the future, energy efficiency is one of the top priorities of today’s millennial homebuyers, so schedule a professional inspection for any siding update or installation information.
  5. Energy-efficient windows: Similar to new siding installations, energy-efficient windows have the potential to save you hundreds on energy bills, as well as bring in more buyers when you’d like to sell. Fiberglass and vinyl are highly recommended, and they don’t require much upkeep throughout the year.

No matter which home renovation you’re interested in this summer make sure you plan the project well in advance. Meeting with mortgage lenders and contractors to solidify your renovation and construction loan plans can certainly take some time. For more information about home renovations, or to learn how to finance your next home improvement project, contact one of our mortgage specialists and download The Introduction to Renovation Loans today.

Topics: mortgage news, home renovations

Eustis Mortgage

Written by Eustis Mortgage

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