
Mortgage Credit Available Now More Than Ever

[fa icon="calendar"] Apr 19, 2016 10:54:02 AM / by Eustis Mortgage

Eustis Mortgage

Mortgage Credit Available NowRecently, the credit availability index has reached an all-time low, with mortgage credit becoming increasingly available. The Housing Finance Policy Center found that during the fourth quarter of 2015 it was easier for homebuyers to secure financing than it was during the previous quarter. This low marks a possible light at the end of the tunnel of the housing crash, as credit availability is an important indicator of the conditions of the market. Following the housing crash, lending standards tightened and it became more difficult for prospective buyers to get a loan.

In more recent years, standards have loosened up a bit but continue to be a concern for some buyers. Now, as it becomes easier to get a home loan, potential buyers who were once unable to qualify for a loan may become eligible and decide to enter the market under the new low mortgage credit conditions. There is always room for improvement in the housing market, but with the credit availability index so low now may be the perfect time to begin the home-buying process! Contact us today to learn more about the mortgage loan process or click the button below to apply for a Eustis Mortgage loan.

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Topics: mortgage news, home buying, applying for a loan

Eustis Mortgage

Written by Eustis Mortgage

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